Saturday, May 10, 2014

Electromagnetic Fields

So what are electromagnetic fields exactly? Well, they are fields created by electricity flow. So if you have anything that runs electricity through it, which you'd have to be a hermit in the mountains these days to not have something that runs electricity, it creates an electromagnetic field. Some examples of commonly used devices would be cell phones, computers, blenders, etc. EMFs are not healthy for you! In fact, the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurement says that your body can only handle around 2 milligauss of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) at any given time. A milligauss is a unit of measurement specifically for electromagnetic fields.
If you were to measure how much milligauss each of those electronic devices listed above puts out, you'd find that cell phones emit 100 mG (milligauss), a computer emits 20 mG, and a blender emits 220 mG. So if it's recommended that we only take in 2 mG at a time of EMFs we shouldn't be toting our cell phones around all day. That is, unless there were some way to counteract the EMFs. Fortunately, there is!
Fabulous products have come out to counteract the EMFs. The first one that I use is an EMF shield. I recommend Aulterra. The next one is called an Ionic purifier by Purely Products. You can find both of these by clicking their name. The EMF Shield will help block EMFs that are radiating from your phone or any other electronic device. The Ionic Purifier constantly sends out 2,000,000 negative ions to build you up with energy, just like you were sitting beside a beautiful waterfall soaking it all in. Negative ions combat EMFs.
So what damage can EMFs do? Here's a list of what positive ions, which EMFs emit, do to the human body.
  • Blood vessels constrict
  • Blood pressure increases
  • Increase blood acidity
  • Bones weaken
  • Suppress urination
  • Makes breathing more difficult
  • Pulse rate increase
  • Impair heart function
  • Prolong physical recovery
  • Tense and strain the nervous system
  • Suppress and delay growth
With all of that going on in the body due to EMFs it's no wonder that we have all of the health problems that we do in today's society! So if you don't already have these, get an EMF Shield and Ionic Purifier to protect you and your family against EMFs.

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