So what's the deal with all of this talk about carbs? Some people say that they're good for you and others say they're bad for you. Who do you believe? Hopefully this will educate you on the different carbs that you should and shouldn't eat...and why. First of all, where did this idea of staying away from carbs come from? It mainly started with the Atkins diet. Their big thing is to count the amount of carbs you're eating to lose weight instead of calories. This is somewhat crazy due to the fact that your body uses these carbs to actually fuel itself throughout the day. The only reason it has any credence is that when we don't use all of the carbs we've consumed the body can store them in the liver or tissues as fat.
What Type of Carbs Are There?
You have two main groups of carbs. The first is simple carbs, also known as bad carbs. The second is complex carbs, also known as good carbs.
Simple Carbs
Simple carbs are bad because they are high in sugar. They also don't provide you with any sort of nutritional benefit. Simple cabs serve as a short burst of energy to your body. It's nothing long lasting, and with no nutrients they body isn't getting any healthier. Some examples of things to stay away from with simple carbs are: sodas, fruit drinks, candy, white bread, etc.
Eating or drinking these sort of things causes your blood sugar to spike. It makes you feel good in the moment, be leaves you feeling down in the dumps when it's all used up. I know many people who experience this and it can cause weakness, shakiness, fatigue, and more. It's not fun...not from what I've seen!
Complex Carbs
Complex carbs are good for you because they promote good digestion through fiber, provide you with other nutrients, and last a long time. The reason they last a long time is that they first have to be broken down by the body into a simpler form to be transported and used. Many foods with complex carbs have fiber in them, which will help aid in digestion. Many foods also contain a lot of nutrients. Here's a list of some to help you see what type of nutrients would be in them: Oats, potatoes, beans, corn, wheat, etc.
This is a general overview of carbs. If you'd like more information on them, e-mail me for my free report. It contains more information on what are good and bad carbs, as well as what they do to the body.
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