Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Poll Results

Thanks to all who participated in the poll! We managed to get 147 responses from everyone within the past couple of months. The results are as follows:

Hillary Clinton
  55 (37%)
Donald Trump
  52 (35%)
Gary Johnson
  22 (14%)
Jill Stein
  7 (4%)
  1 (0%)
I'm not voting
  10 (6%)

So it looks like a pretty tight race, with only 2% separating the two main contenders. It will be interesting to see if those voting third party will affect how that actually goes tonight. I'm one of them.

One thing lacking in the poll that I really would have liked to add, but I would have had to reset the results, was to add Evan McMullin. He's another independent third party that holds conservative values, and in my opinion is most fit for the presidency.

Regardless of who you decide you would like as President, I encourage you to go vote. And don't just vote for someone because everyone says you'll waste your vote otherwise. As I've heard mentioned, a wasted vote is one that has no conviction behind it. So vote for the person who holds your values, who will do what you want to see happen.

I have heard a lot of people say that they're sick of the Presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties. Well, the only way that it's ever going to change is if we cast our voice for those that we feel will actually do what we want for our country. It's time to stop buying into the lies sent to us from the media, the Democrats, and Republicans and stand up for what we believe. If what we believe happens to coincide with a member of the two major parties, then great! Just vote for what you believe in, not trying to strategize or being shamed into it.

A note to those who aren't going to vote this election. It is your right and privilege to vote; to study out the candidates and determine which one is best suited for President or whatever offices are up for reelection. There are a lot of candidates on the ballot, with 5 main candidates. If you normally vote democrat, but can't stand Hillary Clinton, then vote for either Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. If you normally vote republican, but can't stand Donald Trump, then vote for Evan McMullin. There are lots of options this election and if we actually vote for who we want in office, then things can start to change for the better.

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