Thursday, May 24, 2018

Awesome Plastic Golf Tees!

When it comes to golf, I am particular about what tools I use for my golf game. I have a specific type of tee that I like to use. Those were once the Zero Friction 3 prong tees, but not anymore. After playing with the Hyperion Golf 5 prong golf tees, I am switching. Here are my reasons:

  1. More Durable
    • The Hyperion Golf tees lasted longer than the Zero Friction tees. Usually when I played with the Zero Friction tees, they would start to get a weak and bend after a few holes. These stay strong and I couldn't notice any sort of weak spot.
    • Much more economical than wood tees. It seems like wood tees always break every hole. These last for a long time.
  2. Stable
    • They are very stable. You can get the ball on the tee much easier, and have it stay, than the 3-prong tees. The wind doesn't blow it off the tee. 
  3. Longer Distance
    • The Hyperion Golf tees also seemed to go farther than the average tee. 
  4. Reduces Friction and Side Spin
    • Due to the 5-prong design, it reduces the amount of friction on the ball during the shot. It also decreases the amount of side spin you get with average tees. 
  5. Great Price
    • These tees are a great price! You get 30 per pack for only $9.95. That's like 3 for $1.
Overall, I would definitely recommend these tees. You can get them on Amazon. Click here to get yours now. Have fun on the course!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Great New Golf Ball!

If you've ever wanted to get the most out of your golf game and haven't been satisfied with the results, you may be playing with the wrong ball. Most golfers struggle with a slice and spend most of their time searching for balls in the weeds and bushes. One reason for that is the ball they play. If you don't know how to control the golf ball, which most golfers don't, and you play a Pro V1 or other high end golf ball with a urethane cover, you're asking for a slice. The reason is that they're designed for spin, which average golfers can't do.

Here's a great solution for that problem. There's a great new ball available on the market that gets you the best performance. It's rated currently at 5 stars and plays straight. It still offers you control and a soft feel, but keeps the ball from spinning off of the club. The only real way to slice it is to have an extreme out to in swing. Other than that, you're good to go.

Better yet, they have a 20% discount always available to those who purchase it. You just have to click on the Buy 1, Get 1 20% OFF button on the main page to get the code. I've played it myself and am extremely satisfied with it. I've spent much less time in the woods chasing balls, and have felt a greater deal of control over my game. At the listed price of $24.95 before the discount, it's a great deal compared to other high performance balls. After the discount it's $19.96 per dozen!

  So if you want to give it a try, just go to Amazon and search for Hyperion Golf balls or just click here. I think you'll really like what you see when you play with them. They're definitely my go to ball now.

Hyperion Golf also provides tips to improve your golf game. They've got videos on their Facebook page that are super helpful in playing a better round of golf. As of the date of this post, they've also got an offer currently for 70% OFF of the balls, so it's a must buy. Good luck to you in your golfing game!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Poll Results

Thanks to all who participated in the poll! We managed to get 147 responses from everyone within the past couple of months. The results are as follows:

Hillary Clinton
  55 (37%)
Donald Trump
  52 (35%)
Gary Johnson
  22 (14%)
Jill Stein
  7 (4%)
  1 (0%)
I'm not voting
  10 (6%)

So it looks like a pretty tight race, with only 2% separating the two main contenders. It will be interesting to see if those voting third party will affect how that actually goes tonight. I'm one of them.

One thing lacking in the poll that I really would have liked to add, but I would have had to reset the results, was to add Evan McMullin. He's another independent third party that holds conservative values, and in my opinion is most fit for the presidency.

Regardless of who you decide you would like as President, I encourage you to go vote. And don't just vote for someone because everyone says you'll waste your vote otherwise. As I've heard mentioned, a wasted vote is one that has no conviction behind it. So vote for the person who holds your values, who will do what you want to see happen.

I have heard a lot of people say that they're sick of the Presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties. Well, the only way that it's ever going to change is if we cast our voice for those that we feel will actually do what we want for our country. It's time to stop buying into the lies sent to us from the media, the Democrats, and Republicans and stand up for what we believe. If what we believe happens to coincide with a member of the two major parties, then great! Just vote for what you believe in, not trying to strategize or being shamed into it.

A note to those who aren't going to vote this election. It is your right and privilege to vote; to study out the candidates and determine which one is best suited for President or whatever offices are up for reelection. There are a lot of candidates on the ballot, with 5 main candidates. If you normally vote democrat, but can't stand Hillary Clinton, then vote for either Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. If you normally vote republican, but can't stand Donald Trump, then vote for Evan McMullin. There are lots of options this election and if we actually vote for who we want in office, then things can start to change for the better.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mt. Everest and Retirement

So what do Mt. Everest and retirement have in common? Quite a bit actually! If I were to ask you, "What is your goal when you climb a mountain?" your answer would most likely be, "To get to the top." But do you also want to get back down? Oh, yeah...getting down. That's the part that most people don't think about when they climb a mountain, yet it's the spot where 75% of the deaths occur.

The same is also true for retirement. Most people focus entirely on the accumulation phase, while ignoring the distribution phase. This is equally hazardous to most financial plans. The problem is that traditional financial planning doesn't take into account how to best distribute assets in retirement until it's too late! Advisors constantly tout rate of return, while ignoring rate of withdrawal.

Let me give you an example*. This assumes both individuals save the same amount of money and retire at the same age.

Person A goes the route of traditional financial planning. He gets great rate of returns, while losing in various years when the market is down. At the end of the day he averaged 8% (which by the way is what Warren Buffet averages on his stuff). He's happy and has accumulated $1,000,000! Life is good! Traditional financial planning says that you can withdraw 3% of your account value adjusted for inflation each year and hopefully not run out of money according to Monte Carlo curves. So after all of Person A's hard work, he gets a first year check of $30,000. Wow, that's sort of depressing, but he did well and probably is better off than others.

Person B goes the nontraditional route of financial planning. He gets moderate returns, but never loses money with a downturn in the market. At the end of the day he averaged 6%. He was only able to accumulate $700,000. He's quite happy because his money was safe from market losses the whole time and still acquired a bit of assets. His rate of withdrawal, however, is 5.5%. This amount is also guaranteed to last his entire life. He will never outlive his money. He will get $38,500 each year guaranteed.

So the question becomes, who is better off in the end? To conservative investors, Person B is better off. To risky investors, Person A is better off. Person A's income should increase by about 3-4 percent each year with inflation, at least that's what history says. He would start making about the same amount of money after 8 years, but wouldn't catch up in overall dollars withdrawn until year 17.

From my experience in the financial world, most people are more conservative. Many think they are risky investors, but they cringe when their accounts drop. So most people are likely to enjoy Person B's experience more than Person A. There's a lot to be said for a stress free financial life! If you would like more information on the Person B scenario, contact me here.

*Rates of return  and income withdrawn in the above examples are for illustration purposes only and in no way constitute actual performance. Guarantees are determined by each company and dependent on product. Please request actual illustrations for current rates and product information.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to Get an "A" on any Paper

School is hard enough without having to write a flawless paper. With all of the homework and busy work that professors are having students do today, it's a wonder that anyone can get papers done at all. Nevermind an "A" paper. Especially if you're a foreign student and English is a second language to you.

However, there's a cool new service that I found recently that will help you get that "A", They edit everything from school papers to websites to books! The great thing is that it's really affordable too. They do a full edit of your paper. This includes spelling, grammar, how the paper flows, and your format too. It' super comprehensive. You can even tell them when you need it done by and pay accordingly. So if you need your paper turned in by the next day, they can get it done.

I've seen similar services out there like this before, but they've been a little pricey. That's why I had to do all of my papers before without a professional editor looking over it. Now it's a different story! Just go to to get the full scope of what I'm talking about. Good luck to you on the rest of your papers. You definitely won't need it with this service!

Friday, October 30, 2015

How to Shave Pounds FAST: Part 1

If you look at the US and compare it to the rest of the world, we eat incredibly unhealthy. What the government allows food companies to make for us to consume is a crime. While other countries are banning processed, genetically modified, and other types of foods with additives, the US is supporting and pushing these types of foods.

Knowing this, it's pretty easy to lose weight quickly. Part 1 of the Shaving Pounds program is to cut out unnecessary drinks. These include sodas (even zero sodas), energy drinks, fruit juice drinks, tea and coffee.

Some of these may seem self evident, but what about the others? I'll list out the reasons why each of these are contributing to your weight gain.

Soda - It's full of sugar, not to mention a load of other stuff that's hard for your body to digest and deal with. If there's no sugar, then there's a substitute like aspartame which is even worse for you.

Energy Drinks - Again, sugar is high in these, not to mention the huge amount of caffeine. Both of these contribute to weight gain.

Fruit Juice Drinks - This is pretty much the same reason as the others...sugar. Granted there are some vitamin and mineral benefits to them, but they are incredibly high in sugar. Whatever your body doesn't need in sugar will go straight into fat.

Tea & Coffee - This is the same reason as energy drinks. The caffeine content is really high. There's actually a substance in it called CGA which is the main culprit.

So there are the things to cut out of your diet if you want to lose a quick bit of weight. It will also make a huge difference in how you feel every day. You'll actually have more energy when you're not consuming these drinks.

Be forewarned that most people do have a withdrawal period from many of these drinks. Great replacements for these are water, herbal teas, and water kefir. Let me know how it's worked for you!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Weightloss Secrets

So I've known many people throughout my life who struggle with losing weight. Those I've known have tried seemingly everything from low calorie diets, HCG, weight watchers, to Jenny Craig. The funny thing about all of them have been that they have had initial success, but then put the weight back on rather quickly after the diet was done.

The reason is that diets don't work! There are, however, some secrets to weight loss that most don't know or understand. You can thank all of the media and lobbying by food companies for that. In an e-book called "Weightloss Simplified" there are some amazing truths about weightloss uncovered. It can be ordered at the site store and is definitely worth the read.

In it there are not only nutritional tips, but also an exercise program that will get you started on your way to being the healthy person you've always wanted to be. The best thing is that it's risk free. It's backed by a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you don't like it or whatever, you get your money back. There's also lists of food that are great to help in various areas of your nutrition habits. Give it a go and see how it works for you.